Why is it so challenging to maintain resilience? In a world that is broken and filled with chaos many individuals find it difficult to remain strong, in the face of adversity. We are constantly bombarded by circumstances that undermine our ability to stay steadfast during times of distress, betrayal, pain and grief. The world often pulls us away from the strength and resilience we possess leading us astray from the roles that were intended for us by a power. However this was not how things were meant to be! The reason why living a life can be incredibly tough has nothing to do with our mental toughness; instead it revolves around understanding our true purpose and identity.
If we were to imagine attending a training session at a firing range where an experienced instructor teaches us how to effectively engage targets with our rifle they would emphasize factors that contribute towards success. One crucial aspect would be having a vision of the target. Although it may sound obvious it's impossible to hit something you cannot see! In fact in contexts there are discussions, about the risks involved in attempting to hit targets that lack clarity.It's surprising how many people go through life without a target, in mind. When we get knocked off course it becomes difficult to find our way if we never defined where we wanted to be in the place. It's, like trying to hit a target and wondering why we keep missing.
This is the core issue when it comes to leading a life. If resilience means "bouncing back" or "getting back on track" when we veer off course it becomes impossible to achieve if we don't have an understanding of what we are aligning ourselves with. Our society constantly dictates how men and women should behave and the roles they should play. However the problem lies in the fact that these definitions are constantly changing without any standard to base them upon. As a result we find ourselves pursuing an identity that lacks a foundation to realign with when things go awry. This leads us to either live without a sense of self or allow our past experiences or external factors define who we truly are.
In order for an individual to cultivate resilience it's crucial to recognize one truth; each of us has been uniquely designed for a purpose. We have been created to be leaders, within our homes and communities making contributions to our world and society at large. Course this will manifest differently for each person. Its important for us to embrace the fact that our lives hold significance beyond mere survival on a day, to day basis.
Of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by events we should focus on living each day to our fullest potential. Those who display resilience are the ones who align their lives with the guiding principles bestowed upon them by their Creator. They follow the example set by Jesus through His birth, life, death and resurrection. Regardless of our circumstances whether facing a crisis or enjoying stability both the path ahead and the key, to maintaining resilience lie in aligning ourselves with the blueprint, for life.